Results of the Family Focus Program

The Ubomi Obutsha Centre regularly shares how many children and families they reach with their programs. But in addition to the numbers achieved, the quality of the activities is just as important. This shows whether the quality of life is actually increasing for the participating families.

Therefore, at the beginning of the year, all families of the Family Focus Program were scored on various categories. These are: Kindness, Openness & honesty, Self-motivation, Cleanliness of the house, Reckless living, and Income. In November, families were scored again. Results show that all families participating in the program are showing improvement. Especially families in the second phase of the program experience a lot of change. This makes sense, as this phase is most about growth and regaining control of their lives. In the first phase, many families still have to get used to the openness with which they have to discuss difficult issues, and in the third phase, they consolidate the changes that were initiated in the second phase. Nevertheless, growth is also visible in these phases.

The most growth is visible in all phases in the areas of Self-motivation (18% growth), reckless living (16% growth), and Openness & honesty (15% growth). Fantastic results that also show that the growth is not one-time, but can continue over the years!

In 2024, 30 new families will start the first phase of the program. The other families move on to the next phase and the families who have completed the last (third) phase continue to receive guidance around setting up their own businesses. In addition, they can hopefully become ambassadors for the program!