Keeping Children Safe

People often think that everyone always has children and vulnerable adults’ best interests at heart, but unfortunately this is not always the case, even in the world of development cooperation. Too often cases come to light where children, or vulnerable groups, have been victims of abuse, exploitation or neglect.‘ This is what Wilde Ganzen wrote in its invitation to us for a relationship morning. On Saturday 5th of October, this meeting was entirely dedicated to protecting children. We at SUON were immediately excited to participate.

After all, as a foundation, we believe it’s incredibly important that the children we support are safe. But how does this work when we are based in the Netherlands and are therefore not in direct contact with the children ourselves? What is our role and our own responsibility? We ask ourselves these questions regularly, so we hoped this meeting would bring us answers.

Results of the day

And answers we got. About how we could safeguard children as a foundation ourselves, but also how we might better support the Ubomi Obutsha Centre in this. This is not simply settled in a day and will be a process of steps. It is a subject that we would very much like to put further on the agenda in the coming period, first for ourselves, but hopefully also with the centre together. Because besides being important and a first priority, it is also just hugely fascinating to discuss about this together! So from here a big thank you to Wilde Ganzen for this kick-off and inspiration on this topic. To be continued.