
  • The continuation of the food packages
    The continuation of the food packages The beginning The Ubomi Obutsha Centre also provides food packages to the participants of its programmes. Earlier, these packages were made up with donated food from supermarkets, however, due to reluctant donations, this no longer works. Therefore, the centre now buys the produce itself and makes the packages. This READ MORE
  • Developments FFP
    Developments Family Focus Programma Recently, many beautiful developments have taken place within the Family Focus Program. Therefore, it’s high time for an update. Working on Trust Trust is one of the keys within cohesive and resilient families. If family members can trust each other, they will support each other and make progress together. To symbolize READ MORE
  • Fundraising Campaign Free Flemish Primary School Ukkel
    Wonderful proceeds from the fundraising campaign of the Free Flemish Primary School Ukkel The Free Flemish Primary School in Ukkel raised over €2900 in April for the Ubomi Obutsha Centre with their fundraising campaign during the Lenten season before Easter! The Belgian Lotte Brants, a teacher at this primary school, organized this action. Background In READ MORE
  • Food packages for families
    Food packages for families The Ubomi Obutsha Centre not only supports its participants with its programs. It also does this by distributing food packages. The food for this is donated by local supermarkets. However, these donations have been declining in recent years. Therefore, the center is now developing a different model, which they want to READ MORE
  • Back from India
    Back from India At the end of January, Noma and Zameka, two employees of the Ubomi Obutsha Centre, left for India to participate in two local community projects for two weeks. Noma and Zameka are now back home and already fully engaged at the center. Impact of the trip Mark says, ‘The trip made a READ MORE
  • Participation in the Ubomi Obutsha Centre’s programs
    Participation in the Ubomi Obutsha Centre’s programs The new year is now in full swing at the Ubomi Obutsha Centre. This year, 65 families are participating in the Family Focus Program, reaching a total of 406 parents and children. One adult participates per family. In addition, a total of 100-150 children actively participate. Of the READ MORE
  • Mama Nondo Honored!
    Mama Nondo Honored! A beautiful article about the work of Nondumiso Langa, written by reporter Tshepiso Mametela, appeared in the South African newspaper The Herald on January 11. Mama Nondo has been involved with the work of the Ubomi Obutsha Centre for 25 years, currently as a social work manager. She also recently celebrated her READ MORE
  • December at Ubomi
    December Festivities at the Ubomi Obutsha Centre At the Ubomi Obutsha Centre, the month of December was, of course, filled with many festivities around Christmas. Celebrations for the families of the Family Focus Program and the children of the other programs at the center. Three days of celebrations brought a lot of happy faces! All READ MORE
  • Results of the Family Focus Program
    Results of the Family Focus Program The Ubomi Obutsha Centre regularly shares how many children and families they reach with their programs. But in addition to the numbers achieved, the quality of the activities is just as important. This shows whether the quality of life is actually increasing for the participating families. Therefore, at the READ MORE
  • A Sad Message
    A Sad Message Yesterday we received the message from the Ubomi Obutsha Centre that Mama Sekiwe passed away in the hospital on Friday evening. She had a stroke last weekend, after which she was admitted to the hospital and did not recover. Sekiwe began her journey at Ubomi Obutsha by receiving food packages for her READ MORE