December Festivities at the Ubomi Obutsha Centre

At the Ubomi Obutsha Centre, the month of December was, of course, filled with many festivities around Christmas. Celebrations for the families of the Family Focus Program and the children of the other programs at the center. Three days of celebrations brought a lot of happy faces! All 207 children received a gift: a full box of clothing, toys, and care products such as soap and toothpaste. SUON was able to sponsor some of these boxes thanks to your contributions.

The staff at the center are very proud of the progress they have seen in all participants. However, they feel even more pride when participants describe this growth themselves. It’s extra special when they talk about it themselves.

The staff and volunteers at the center were not forgotten either. They were treated to a delicious lunch by their partner organizations! Rightly so that they were put in the spotlight!

Christmas did not stop for the center afterwards! Customers and employees of the South African shopping center, Moffett on Main, shopped and bought gifts for the children of the center. That means an extra surprise for all children after the Christmas holidays!