The continuation of the food packages
The beginning
The Ubomi Obutsha Centre also provides food packages to the participants of its programmes. Earlier, these packages were made up with donated food from supermarkets, however, due to reluctant donations, this no longer works. Therefore, the centre now buys the produce itself and makes the packages. This pilot was made possible by a contribution from SUON and thus your donations. Every month, the centre’s staff hand out the packages, which consist of fresh and longer-lasting food, as well as care products. Read more about why the centre started this in our earlier post.
The first results
The project is now four months on and the first results are known. As a result, a few days ago we received an enthusiastic update from Mark, the director of the Ubomi Obutsha Centre: ‘Based on our estimates in April, we assumed that the money would last until the end of June or July (3-4 months). However, thanks to Mabhele’s thoughtfulness in looking for good deals, the fluctuating prices (especially of potatoes) and a few families who no longer need food parcels, we can extend the project until the end of September! This is fantastic, as the supply of ‘ordinary’ donated food continues to decline slowly, making this support a huge help! Our families are incredibly grateful! Thank you so much!
Do you want to make sure we can keep the Ubomi Obutsha Centre developing and piloting new programmes? Then donate to SUON. You can donate once or monthly. If you commit your donation for five years with a periodic donation, you can even deduct it from your taxes. And if you don’t currently can’t donate additional money, you can even donate through your online purchases at the Doelshop without additional costs.